Here are some experts who have set out
to help you to write a great
ToK Essay. Their advice is indispensible!
Dr. Richard van de Lagemaat
is one of the most experienced TOK teachers around. He is the
author of the book Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma.
Writing a TOK Essay "is a comprehensive guide to tackling
the essay-writing component of the IB Theory of Knowledge
assessment." Cambridge University Press |
Writing a TOK Essay |
Alex Bird is the
Head of ToK at Atlantic College in Wales: This page is must for
the ToK student. |
Advice on Writing Your Theory of Knowledge Essay |
This page, also by Alex Bird,
has not been uppdated for a while. However, at the bottom of the
page there are some graded sample essays from 2005. |
ThoK :: Useful
Links/Resources |
Eileen Dombrowski is
an examiner of Theory of Knowledge for the International
Baccalaureate Organisation and author of Theory of Knowledge
- a Students Handbook |
Six Steps to
Writing a Good TOK Essay: A Student Guide |
Alchin is the Chief Assessor of Theory of Knowledge for the
International Baccalaureate Organisation and author of Theory of
Knowledge - Student's Book |
Ten Tips on
Writing a Good Theory of Knowledge Essay (1) |
Ric Simms is a
Chief Examiner of Theory of Knowledge for the International
Baccalaureate Organization. The title is the same as for Mr Alchin's
tips. However, the content is not the same. |
Ten Tips on
Writing a Good Theory of Knowledge Essay (2) |
The author is
unknown, however it appears to be a ToK teacher at
Rampart High in Colorado Springs. Excellent resource! |
Strategies for Writing a Great Prescribed Title TOK Essay |
The author seems to be anonymous
here too, but the resource is published by St Julien's Shool in
Carcavelos, Portugal and is taken from The Open University
Project and Assignment Guide 2001. |
Referencing requirements |
- The UK's Largest Free Coursework and Essay Database |
CourseworkBank.Co.Uk - International
Baccalaureate (IB) Essays and Coursework |
At Coursework.info
you can find some 60 ToK essays. You need to be a member but you
may swap
your work for free access, or pay a fee of £4.99 |
Theory of Knowledge Essays
A collection of Theory of Knowledge Essays |
Alex Bird is the
Head of TOK at Atlantic College in Wales. This page is must for
the ToK student. |
Advice on Your
Theory of Knowledge Presentation |
Alchin is the Chief Assessor of Theory of Knowledge for the
International Baccalaureate Organisation and author of Theory of
Knowledge - Student's Book |
Ten Tips on
Theory of Knowledge Presentations |
Business and Pleasure! There is
nothing wrong with having fun! |
IB TOK Presentation Introduction - Directed and Produced by
Kishore Chittella. From Google Video |
Susan Beck, Collection
Development Coordinator at New Mexico State University Library
has made this excellent site available. |
The Good,
The Bad & The Ugly: or, Why It’s a Good Idea to Evaluate Web
Sources |
Finding Information on the
Internet: A Tutorial. A resource provided by UC Berkely.
Not just about finding information but also about how to
critically evaluate the information. |
Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial |
Amy Scott is an experienced
ToK teacher at Coral Reef High, with a very generous homepage.
Lots of interesting and useful reources for the student and the
teacher. |
amy.scott.com |
The sites on this theory of
knowledge portal provided by Anagnosis Books "have
been selected by experienced ToK teachers to form a body of
resources for anyone teaching or studying IB Theory of Knowledge
and to encourage critical thinking. The sites are being
constantly updated." Recommended! |
IBToK - IB Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Resources |
Kai Arste at Atlantic
College Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, offers this Excellent site
with loads of Exercises and Classroom activitities for students
and teachers of ToK (or ThoK) |
KA's ThoK notes
A teacher, Mr Duncan, at
Colonel By Secondary School, Canada has put this Theory of
Knowledge home page together. Well worth a visit! |
Theory of
Knowledge |
The Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy is a non-profit organization run by the editors.
Terms and concepts from A-Z from the world of Philosophy . |
The Internet
Encyklopedia of Philosophy |
Another Encyklopedia from the
Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford
University. |
Stanford Encyklopedia of Philosophy |
Environmental Ethics: An
Introduction by Ernest Partridge, Ph.D.
University of California, Riverside |
Environmental Ethics: An Introduction |
Garth Kemerling offers
helpful information for students of the Western philosophical
tradition. |
Gareth Southwell is a
teacher of Philosophy and offers this useful ToK resource on
Scepticism, Rationalism, Empiricism, Perception, Knowledge,
Essays |
Philosophy Online
section |
What's the Meaning of Life? and
nine other big questions from the International Society for
Philosophers. |
The Ten Big Questions |
Bertrand Russell's entry on
Theory of Knowledge in The Encyclopaedia Britannica from 1926 |
Theory of Knowledge by Bertrand Russell |
Challenging games and acitivities
from The Philosopher's Magazine Online |
Games and Interactive
Activities |
The Film and Philosophy Database
From Australian National University contains details of around
500 films which can be used to enhance philosophy teaching at
all levels. |
ANU - Faculty of Arts Philosophy Film Database |
Relevant philosophical texts,
notes, or references for a selection of films provided by
Frostburg State University |
Pilosophical Films |
Discussion questions for a
selection of films provided by the Univerity of Tennessee at Martin |
Philosophical Films |
Nørre Gymnasium in Copenhagen
offers lots of resources fot the TOK teacher and student. |
Nørre Gymnasium Theory of
Knowledge (TOK) |
Very useful resources, tips and
links from St. Julians School in Portugal |
Theory of Knowledge at St. Julians
School |
This collection includes over
19,000 categorized links to philosophy resources on the Internet
and has several additional features. |
Guide to Philosophy on the
Internet by Peter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham
College. This site is no longer updated. However, many of the
links are still alive and useful. |
Guide to
Philosophy on the Internet |
Here is a university site. It is
no longer updated. Still a few interesting links, though. |
Princeton University's Theory of Knowledge class
A collection of links to Internet
Resources from Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute Library (in
need of updating) |
Theory of
Knowledge Resources |
The name of the site says it all. |
Critical Thinking Course
Online |
Digitalbrain is a provider of
e-learning. Their TOK pages are free, and well worth a visit |
Digitalbrain |
InThinking - A Website and company
run by Richard van de Lagemaat. This is how they present
themselves: "InThinking is an innovative educational consultancy
service which promotes critical thinking skills across the
curriculum and offers a range of creative educational
solutions." |
InThinking |
Philosophy Talk is a weekly, one-hour radio series with Ken Taylor
and John Perry of Stanford University. |
Philosophy Talk |
An excellent explanation of
Optical Illusions with some exciting examples from wikipedia.org. |
Wikipedia Optical illusion |
Weird and wonderful optical
illusions. Akiyoshi warns us that some of the pictures on this
website can cause dizziness or might possibly cause epileptic
seizures. |
Akiyoshi's illusion pages |
These pages by the ophtalmologist
Michael Bach, demonstrate visual phenomena, and »optical« or »visual
illusions«. |
75 Optical Illusions &
Visual Phenomena |
Loads of exciting optical
illusions! |
Illusion Galleries |
This wonderful resource describes
the known logical fallacies.Informative and great fun. |
Stephen's Guide to Fallacies |